The Black Mountain Run Up is a weekly series hosted by the Australian Mountain Running Association. The running and walking events are held on the third Tuesday of every month, and feature runners and walkers of all levels.
The events are always free and continue to soar in regional and national popularity. As part of the weekly run, a 2.6km trek emanates from Clunies Ross Street and passes several landmarks in Canberra up to the summit of Black Mountain. From seasoned runners and enthusiasts to walking aficionados, everyone performs at their own pace with no time restrictions or rigid protocols to follow.
Areas of Interest
The Black Mountain Run Up and Power Walk features an exciting track that truly captures the allure and essence of Mother Nature. As a haven for walking and running activities, Australia is known for its weekly, monthly, and yearly events. No matter your skill level, the power walk is a great way to lead a healthier lifestyle. Not only do these weekly walks and runs improve cardiovascular and respiratory performance, they also help burn fat and calories. This helps convert problem areas to lean muscle, while effectively shaping and toning the thigh and legs. As part of the run and walk, you will get to see the immaculate beauty of the Botanical Gardens. The tour then takes you to Frith Road and ends at the summit track adjacent to the Black Mountain reserve. If looking to build endurance, strength, balance, and agility, now is the perfect time to join your fellow Aussies in this exciting and fruitful run.
The Australian Mountain Running Association
The Australian Mountain Running Association, AMRA, is synonymous with top-notch mountain hiking and running events each year. They have long been known as the epicenter for running and king enthusiasts in the region. Over the years, however, the organization has also put a strong emphasis on walking safety and performance. As part of our daily and weekly blogs, we have covered a myriad of foot related disorders and common issues. This includes plantar fasciitis, along with limited ankle motion range, heel spurs, ingrown nails, and so much more. Our blogs have also showcased the best treatment options on the market today, along with the growing benefits of wearing orthotics and insoles courtesy of Footlogics. If you love walking, running, or hiking in AMRA events, add an extra stride to your step with true balance and optimal comfort. Simply visit our and take advantage of the latest in cutting edge insoles, medicinal shoes, and other products guaranteed to secure maximum flexibility and performance.
Running for Life
Australia is simply a nation of runners and health conscious individuals. Who can ever forget the Aussie sensations Mel Gibson and Mark Lee who sprinted their way to international stardom in “Gallipoli”? With so many running events on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, the nation continues to lead the world in athletics and health conscious sporting events. We here at Footlogics support the AMRA in helping to promote running and walking is an integral part of any daily fitness or health regimen.
For more information on the Black Mountain Run up, simply visit: