Are Flat Feet painful or dangerous?
Flat feet are usually not painful. While they do limit mobility in some areas, there is no mild or excruciating pain associated with this common foot problem. The issue, however, can sometimes contribute to heel pain, achilles pain, shin splints, ankle or knee problems. This is because the condition can alter the natural alignment of your legs. While treatment for flat feet is usually unnecessary as well, only those that want to try and restore a proper arch should seek treatment. Flat feet also occur when the arches do not fully develop during childhood. They can also emanate from foot injuries, along with simply wear and tear as we age. As a person with flat feet, I can honestly say the only issue I have experienced is the inconvenience of having them. With orthotics from Footlogics though, I have been able to walk, job, and even run without any major problems or concerns.
The symptoms of flat feet
Most people with flat feet experience little to no symptoms. There are some, however, that do experience some minor foot pain or irritation. This is usually situated in or around the heel and arch areas. Pain can also increase with overexertion or too much physical activities. Flat feet are some times associated with swelling along or inside the ankles. Unless this pain becomes unbearable and unmanageable, there really is no need to see a foot doctor or specialist. This is especially true for adults or those that have flatfeet for years now. If children begin to complain about foot or ankle pain, then you should take them to see a podiatrist at once.
The main causes of flat feet
Flat feet are very normal in infant and toddlers. As mentioned earlier, this is because their feet’s arches have not fully developed. While most people’s arches develop throughout childhood, others simply never develop arches. According to leading foot experts, these variations are common when it comes to the formation of the foot. There is no exact science to explain this other than chance and people’s distinct growth patterns. Some kids even have flexible flat foot (or “functional flat foot“), which sees the arch visible when the child is sitting or standing on tiptoes. The flat foot, however, disappears when the child stands up. Most children also outgrow flexible flatfoot without any problems or causes for concern. As discusses in previous blog posts, arches can also fall over time. This is due to years of wear and tear, along with stress and, of course, the age factor. Fallen arches weaken the tendons that run along the inside of the ankle.
Treatment of flat feet with orthotics
Flat feet, fallen arches and over-pronation are treatable with a simple over-the-counter shoe insert, such as provided by Footlogics Australia. We offer a wide range of orthotics for different types of footwear. Footlogics products feature a medical-grade arch support for proper biomechanical alignment. See the full range here.