What strange times we find ourselves in. While some of the country has all but gone back to normal, Melbourne and parts of Victoria are still in the grips of the most intense lockdown Australia has ever seen.
Keeping in line with these new regulations can take a big toll on your health, so we wanted to talk about one of the best ways to exercise your body and your mind, whether you’re in lockdown or not. We’re talking about walking.
Here are three reasons a quick walk can be your saviour in these trying times.
It Boosts Creativity and Wellbeing
It’s no secret being stuck at home with the same four walls to look at doesn’t exactly inspire creativity. The good news is, a recent study out of Stanford University has found that the brain is at its most creative when the body is moving at around 5km per hour, the speed of a stroll. You don’t even need to dedicate hours to it either, anywhere from 5-16 minutes should be enough to get those creative juices flowing.
You can Stay Social (From a Distance)
One of the most arduous parts of the lockdown is its impact on social activities, with many Melburnians finding themselves stuck at home with little social interaction outside their families or housemates.
The good news about walking is, not only can you do it outside where the risk of virus transmission is at its lowest, it’s a great way to interact with your community, from a safe distance of course.
Your Body will Thank You
While more vigorous forms of exercise often get all the credit when it comes to burning fat and boosting overall health, a brisk walk or jog can pack a serious punch.
Studies have shown that walking as little as 30 minutes per day can bring big health benefits, including strengthening of bones and muscles, improvement of balance and coordination, prevention of conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure and helping maintain a healthy weight.
Before you Begin
While walking and jogging are very safe forms of physical activity, all exercise brings with it a risk of injury. That being said, there are a few easy things you can do before getting started to minimise the risk of injury.
- Take the time to stretch and warm-up
- Choose to walk or run on grass rather than hard surfaces
- Make sure you have appropriate shoes with good heel and arch support. You can check out our range of orthotics for walking and running here.